Bosnia adopts 2024 Budget after months of delay

NEWS 04.07.202413:43 0 komentara
Emanuel Soca/FENA

The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the 2024 Budget at today's session in Mostar following months of delays and a decision on temporary financing. This was confirmed by the Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers, Borjana Kristo, after the session.

The budget was approved after a meeting of the state coalition consisting of Troika, HDZ BiH, and SNSD held in Mostar. HDZ leader Dragan Covic announced that the budget would be adopted and that other laws would soon be forwarded to the parliamentary procedure.

“With the adoption of this budget, we have established a budget of 1 billion 355 million 400 thousand KM. The budget is 40 million KM higher compared to last year. We have created the conditions for the smooth operation of our institutions, international obligations, and the implementation of necessary reforms. Regarding the Growth Plan, we informed the European Commission yesterday about the agreement on the reform package, achieving 98% alignment in the narrative part of the reforms, which we were obliged to send to the EC,” said Kristo.

The budget should have been adopted long ago but was repeatedly removed from the Council's agenda. The Ministry of Finance and Treasury did not forward it to the procedure because the Republic of Srpska was dissatisfied with the distribution of funds. Consequently, the responsible ministry had orders from the RS authorities to withhold budget adoption until the funds from special excises of the Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH amounting to about 262 million KM, as well as money from the Regulatory Agency for Communications and Elektroprijenos, were distributed.

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