Eid prayer held at the Gazi Husrev Bey Mosque in Sarajevo: Grand Mufti calls for rejection of nationalism and tribalism

NEWS 16.06.202411:44 0 komentara

A large number of faithful prayed the Eid al-Adha prayer on Sunday morning at the Gazi Husrev Bey Mosque in Sarajevo, where the central Eid ceremony of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held.

The Eid prayer in Bey's mosque was led and preached by Reis-ul-ulema of the Islamic Community, Husein Kavazovic. On this occasion, Kavazovic noted that for Muslims, Eid al-Adha is a holiday of sacrifice, a time in which the faithful are taught to be ready to make the greatest sacrifice for the values ​​that ennoble them in life.

“The greatest value we carry within us is the value of faith, conscientious and moral behaviour, and freedom of speech and belief. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: ‘Speak the truth, even if it is bitter.’ From this sentence of his, we conclude that freedom of speech should not be restricted. The behind-the-scenes actions of the government, which has the power, must not be hidden. Its actions must be transparent. The role of the media is to debunk them when they try to hide it from us. It is the duty of all responsible people to point out the threats to which our society is exposed. Such speech cannot be incriminated and its protagonists persecuted. We condemn any kind of pressure on those who point to societal anomalies and threats to our country,” Kavazovic said.

Let's rediscover the values ​​of living together, being for people and with the people is our primary obligation, Grand Mufti said.

“We must not agree to the policies of tribalism and nationalism that are offered to us these days. We must leave medieval and 19th-century politics behind us. They did not bring anything good to anyone, especially to us in Bosnia, except for the mass graves where tens of thousands of murdered mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters ended up. I appeal to people who carry faith in their hearts to resist the attempt to revive the politics of tribalism and to remain at the service of people, regardless of race and origin, national or religious affiliation. Let's not listen to the leaders who call for assemblies, because that policy has led us all into darkness. Bosnia and Herzegovina is our homeland, beautiful and not cramped for anyone. Let's protect her and protect each other”, Grand Mufti Kavazovic said, among other things.

The faithful expressed joy over the arrival of one of the greatest holidays, emphasizing that they will share the joy of this day with their families and friends.

F.Z. / N1

The Eid prayer was offered in mosques all over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Eid al Adha or Kurban Bayram as it's known in Bosnia, lasts four days.

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