RS police release Srebrenica resident who was apprehended over Facebook post

NEWS 13.07.202313:44 0 komentara
Srebrenica (Fena)

Mirsad Omerovic, a Srebrenica resident apprehended Wednesday by Republika Srpska (RS) entity police for his Facebook post, was released from custody, Alija Tabakovic, the head of the Bosniaks caucus in the RS parliament said.

“Mirsad Omerovic was released from custody. He is on his way to Potocari to his family. We will monitor the situation until the end,” he wrote on Facebook.

The RS police made a statement Thursday saying the police officers of the Srebrenica Police Station apprehended M.O. for suspicion that he committed the criminal offence of “Endangering security.”

On the said day at around 2:30 p.m., the police officers of the Srebrenica Police Station acted upon a report that the social network profile of M.O. published threats on national and religious grounds, they added.

NAP agency that broke the story contacted Mirsad’s wife, Adisa Omerovic, for more information about the event, and she answered her phone the emergency medical service and directed them to the text of the Despotovina Facebook page, in which her husband Mirsad Omerovic was accused of allegedly preparing an attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), only based on the post in which Omerovic asks on the night of July 11 “if there are 50 volunteers to check what is being celebrated in Srebrenica,” only hours after the commemoration of the anniversary of the 1995 genocide and the burial of 30 victims.

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