Izetbegovic: What Covic wrote in his letter to int community reps is untrue

NEWS 05.05.202218:28 0 komentara
Foto: F. Z./N1

According to the leader of the strongest Bosniak party in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic, the “threats” of a “territorial reorganisation” of BiH coming from Bosnian Croat political leader, Dragan Covic, are similar to the wartime goals of convicted war criminals.

Izetbegovic said that Covic presented a number of things that are not true in his letter, the first one being that his party wanted to eliminate discrimination in the election process.


His statements come after Dragan Covic, the leader of the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ BiH), announced that Bosnian Croat parties will be forced to push for a “territorial reorganisation” of the country since elections were announced although the election law was not amended.

The SDA leader said that had the proposal of HDZ BiH been adopted, “the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights would never have been implemented.”

Izetbegovic stressed that Bosnian Croats are well represented in institutions in Bosnia’s Federation (FBiH) entity.

He argued that the Croat National Assembly (HNS BIH, the umbrella organisation of Bosnian Croat parties, has been blocking the implementation of election results in the past and are now trying to prevent the upcoming election.

“Out of a hundred important positions at the state level, Croats have 34, Serbs and Bosniaks 33, which is against the law. At the FBiH level, they have over 50% of these positions in relation to what the Constitution prescribes,” he said.

“Two threats were made. He said that holding the elections was a threat to peace and that the HNS would take steps to establish a territorial reorganisation of BiH,” Izetbegovic said, arguing that this is similar to the wartime goals of Bosnian Croat officials who were later sentenced for or accused of war crimes.

Izetbegovic also commented on recent statements by Croatian President, Zoran Milanovic, who said that he would support Bosnian Croat representatives if they would push for the establishment of a third entity in the country.

“The main principle of their ‘reorganisation’ is the ethnic principle. It would be logical to create economic regions based on logical criteria, historical, economic, traffic criteria, not ethnic,” Izetbegovic said.

He also noted that Milanovic recently said he would veto Finland’s NATO accession until a new election law is passed in BiH.

“Why should Finland suffer over it?” the SDA leader asked.

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