Bosnian Serb Presidency member Milorad Dodik filed a criminal complaint with the BiH Prosecutor's Office Wednesday against BiH Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic, because, Dodik claims, he participated in the Summit of the International Crimean Platform on his own initiative, without authorization and the decision of the BiH Presidency.
Dodik said that Dzaferovic “abused his official position and powers.”
“Damage has been caused to the Republika Srpska [entity] by the abuse of position and authority, because Dzaferovic’s illegal and unauthorized actions prevented the RS from presenting an official position on this important foreign policy issue, through a member of the BiH Presidency who is elected from the territory of the RS,” Dodik said.
Данас сам поднио кривичну пријаву против Шефика Џаферовића, који је у својству члана и предсједавајућег Предсједништва Босне и Херцеговине, учешћем на самиту међународне Кримске платформе, неовлаштено и без одлуке Предсједништва, злоупотријебио службени положај и овлаштења. pic.twitter.com/GnQczyEy8z
— Милорад Додик (@MiloradDodik) August 24, 2022
He further pointed out that it is the BiH Presidency as an institution that is in charge of implementing the country’s foreign policy.
“And Dzaferovic, with his self-initiated performance, for which he did not have [the Presidency’s tripartite] consent, violated the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Rules of Procedure and expressed only [his] personal views,” said Dodik.
Dzaferovic addressed the summit of the Crimean Platform on Tuesday, despite the previous disapproval of the member of the Presidency, Milorad Dodik, who already announced the filing of criminal charges against Dzaferovic. He accuses Dzaferovic of violating the BiH Constitution.
During the Crimean Platform summit, numerous world officials, presidents, and prime ministers of states spoke and gave full support to Ukraine, condemning the Russian aggression against this country.
Dzaferovic repeated the position of Bosnia and Herzegovina, giving full support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
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